join group

We have 2 shortcodes: ic_create_group and ic_join_group

Create Group Shortcode


The first one, allows you to create form for creating groups. The second shortcode is creating button whick allows to join group and open it in our chat.

The first field “Group name” – This field corresponds to the name of the group that is being created.

The second field “Pipe” – this field is responsible for the Unique identifier of the group (this parameter is used in the ic_join_group shortcode). By clicking the button, a group is created, which site users can join.

1) users – The list of user`s ids with delimiter “,”
2) buttonname – The name of the button that creating a group
3) classi – The class of input field to customize it as you want
4) classb – The class of button to customize it as you want

PHP Example:

echo do_shortcode('[ic_create_group users="1,2,3" buttonname="Name of button" classi="class_of_input" classb="class_of_btn"]');

Join Group Shortcode


1) classb – The class of button to customize it as you want
2) buttonname – The name of button which creating group
3) pipe – string identifier of group should be unique. This field should be the same as the field when you created the group. If our system doesn’t find the group with pipe, it creates a new group
4) Title – Name of group

PHP Example:

echo do_shortcode('[ic_join_group classb="class_btn" buttonname="join group" pipe="group_example_1" title="The title of group"]');